Operation system, Pascal

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Program: Joydemo.pas
File exe: Joydemo.exe
need: Joystick.pas

Program názorne ukáže všetky možnosti ako ovládať joystick. V 4 demách ukáže pohyb pákového ovládača, stlačenie buttonov, rekalibraciu, ale aj ovládanie dvoch joystickov naraz.

Program: Joydemo.pas
File exe: Joydemo.exe
need: Joystick.pas

The program shows all the posibilities to control a joystick, using 4 demo versions. It suggests the movement of a joystick, buttons pressed, recalibrations and controlling of two joystick synchronically.

Author: Pheo
web: pascalsource.ic.cz

Program: Klavesy.pas

Program vypíąe kód stlačeného klávesu.

Program: Klavpriz.pas
File exe: Klavpriz.exe

Check keys Num Lock, Caps Lock a Scroll Lock.

Program: Label.pas
File exe: Label.exe
File ubuntu: Label

The program reads the floppy disk's boot sector and finds out the so-called "label" of the disk.

Author: Jojko
Program: Led.pas
File exe: Led.exe

Program know on/off keyboard led.

Author: Pheo
web: pascalsource.ic.cz

Program: Melody.pas

Program zahrá 5 tónov rovnakej dĺľky (náhodne zvolenej).

Author: Ján ©paček
Program: Morzeovka2.pas
File exe: Morzeovka2.exe

Je to program na prepísanie textu do morzeovky a jeho vypípanie.

Program: Mys.pas
File exe: Mys.exe

It displays the co-ordinates of the mouse and indicates whether or not a mouse button is pressed. It helps to understand how to operate the mouse. At the end, there is a description of all standard functions of the mouse, e.g.

Program: Parallel_port.pas
File exe: Parallel_port.exe

Program demonštruje možnosť kominukácie pomocou parallelného portu.

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