{ TEXTSCR.PAS Copyright (c) Ales Kucik } { Unit pre pracu s obrazovkou v textovom mode. } { } { Datum:29.11.2002 http://www.trsek.com } unit TextScr; interface uses Crt; const page0= $0000; page1= $1000; page2= $2000; page3= $3000; page_size=$FA0; var ActivePage:byte; VideoSeg:word; procedure SetCursor(h,d:byte); {Cisla v intervalu 0..7} procedure CursorOn; procedure CursorOff; procedure GetChar(var character:char; var attr:byte); procedure SetActivePage(number:byte); procedure WriteXY(x,y:byte; s:string); procedure HWriteXY(x,y,z,c:byte; s:string); procedure NormalWin(x1,y1,x2,y2:byte); procedure ErrorMes(s:string); {Prvni vraci znak a potom atribut} function GetKey:word; function GetTextMode:byte; {Vraci cislo textoveho modu} function GetActivePage:byte; implementation procedure SetCursor; assembler; asm mov ah, 01b mov cl, d mov ch, h int 10h end; procedure CursorOn; assembler; asm mov ah, 01h mov cl, 07h mov ch, 06h int 10h end; procedure CursorOff; assembler; asm mov ah, 01h mov cl, 20h mov ch, 20h int 10h end; procedure GetChar(var character:char; var attr:Byte); var l,h:byte; begin asm mov bh, 0h mov ah, 8h int $10 mov l, al mov h, ah end; character:=chr(l); attr:=h; end; function GetTextMode; var b:byte absolute 0:$0449; begin GetTextMode:=b; end; procedure SetActivePage; begin asm mov ah, 05h mov al, number int 10h end; ActivePage:=number; end; function GetActivePage:byte; begin GetActivePage:=ActivePage; end; function GetKey:word; var a:word; begin a:=ord(readkey); if a=0 then a:=256+ord(readkey); getKey:=a; end; procedure WriteXY; begin gotoxy(x,y); write(s); end; procedure HWriteXY; var attr:byte; begin gotoxy(x,y); attr:=textattr; write(s); textcolor(c); gotoxy(x+z-1,y); write(s[z]); textattr:=attr; end; procedure NormalWin; var i,j:byte; begin window(x1,y1,x2,y2); clrscr; gotoxy(2,1); write(#201); for i:=1 to x2-x1-3 do write(#205); write(#187); for i:=2 to y2-y1 do begin gotoxy(2,i); write(#186); gotoxy(x2-x1,i); write(#186); end; gotoxy(2,y2-y1+1); write(#200); for i:=1 to x2-x1-3 do write(#205); write(#188); window(1,1,80,25); end; procedure ErrorMes; var x,l:byte; attr:byte; begin attr:=TextAttr; textcolor(yellow); textbackground(red); l:=length(s); if l<28 then l:=28; x:=(80-l)div 2 -2; NormalWin(x,11,x+l+4,14); writeXY(x+2,12,s); l:=(l-28)div 2; writeXY(x+l+2,13,'Neco stiskni/Press something'); TextAttr:=attr; end; begin ActivePage:=0; if GetTextMode=7 then VideoSeg:=$B000 else VideoSeg:=$B800; end.