{ eratost.pas } { Program na zistenie prvocisel pomocou eratostenovho sita. } { Algoritmus spracovany v asembleri. Vysledky uklada do suboru } { eratost.dat. } { } { Author: „uboč Saloky } { Datum: 01.01.1996 http://www.trsek.com } {$G+} program Eratostenovo_sito; {uses MukoXMS;} {$DEFINE ASM} {$DEFINE aVYPIS} const Velkost:longint=500000; type Buf=array[0..63999] of byte; var a:Buf; i,MaxI:word; k,j,MaxJ:longint; f:file of Buf; procedure NastavBit(Ktory:longint); begin a[Ktory div 8]:=a[Ktory div 8] or (1 shl (7-Ktory mod 8)); end; function JePrvocislo(Ktory:longint):boolean; begin if a[Ktory div 8] and (1 shl (7-Ktory mod 8))=0 then JePrvocislo:=True else JePrvocislo:=False; end; procedure NastavMaxJ; begin MaxJ:=Velkost div i; end; BEGIN { ----- HLAVNY PROGRAM ----- } Assign(f,'eratost.dat'); ReWrite(f); {NastavBit(1);} MaxI:=Trunc(Sqrt(Velkost)); {$IFNDEF ASM} for i:=2 to Trunc(Sqrt(Velkost)) do for j:=2 to Velkost div i do NastavBit(longint(i)*longint(j)); {$ELSE} asm mov word ptr i,2 {i:=2} @Fori: mov word ptr j,1 {j:=1} mov ax,word ptr i {k:=i} mov word ptr k+2,0 mov word ptr k,ax call NastavMaxJ @Forj: mov ax, word ptr i {k:=k+i} add word ptr k,ax adc word ptr k+2,0 { ----- nastav k-ty bit ----- } mov ax,word ptr k {k v registroch del 8} mov dx,word ptr k+2 shr dx,1 rcr ax,1 shr dx,1 rcr ax,1 shr dx,1 rcr ax,1 mov si,ax {nastav SI na a} add si,offset a mov cx,word ptr k and cx,0007h {zvysok po deleni k/8 v CX} neg cx add cx,7 {CX = 7 - zvysok} mov ax,1 shl al,cl {AL = 2 na CL} or byte ptr [si],al inc word ptr j {j:=j+1, !longint!} adc word ptr j+2,0 mov ax,word ptr MaxJ cmp word ptr j,ax jne @ForJ mov ax,word ptr MaxJ+2 cmp word ptr j+2,ax ja @ForJ {if j<=MaxJ then goto ForJ} inc word ptr i {i:=i+1} mov ax,MaxI cmp i,ax jbe @ForI {if i<=MaxI then goto ForI} end; {$ENDIF} write(f,a); Close(f); {$IFDEF VYPIS} for j:=2 to Velkost do if JePrvocislo(j) then write(j,', '); WriteLn; {$ENDIF} END.