Procedure TestStopAutoStart; Var I: Byte; textmsg: string; Begin If ((AutoStart=True) and ((AutostartStiskly1=1) or (Key[30]=True))) then Begin While Key[30]=True do Begin End; If AutoStartTyp<3 then Inc(AutoStartTyp) else AutoStartTyp:=1; If WinGamble.Enable=True then Begin textmsg:='autostart off'; AutoStart:=False; AutoStartTyp:=3; End else Case AutoStartTyp of 1: textmsg:='autostart b'; 2: textmsg:='autostart c'; 3: Begin textmsg:='autostart off'; AutoStart:=False; End; End; {Case End} KresliValce; Blok(109,141,210,149,ColorBlack,Buffer[3]); WriteText(Buffer[1],160,140,5,7,1,120,142,textmsg,Buffer[3]); WaitRetrace; FlipPage(Buffer[3],Buffer[4]); For I:=0 to 24 do Wait(DatRec.fpsProdleva); End; End; Procedure TestBetDown; Procedure DecSound; Var I: Byte; Begin For I:=0 to 9 do Wait(DatRec.fpsProdleva); MainGameScreen; If DatRec.SBEnable=True then Begin If DatRec.RawEnable=True then SBPlayRaw(7) else SBPlayRaw(30); End else Begin If DatRec.RawEnable=True then PlayRaw(7) else PlaySound(20); End; For I:=0 to 49 do Wait(DatRec.fpsProdleva); End; Begin If Credit=95 then BetMulti:=95; If ((MultiWin>=85) and (MultiWin<95)) then Begin BetMulti:=85; Nasobic:=9; BetCounter:=10; DecSound; End; If ((MultiWin>=75) and (MultiWin<85)) then Begin BetMulti:=75; Nasobic:=8; BetCounter:=9; DecSound; End; If ((MultiWin>=65) and (MultiWin<75)) then Begin BetMulti:=65; Nasobic:=7; BetCounter:=8; DecSound; End; If ((MultiWin>=55) and (MultiWin<65)) then Begin BetMulti:=55; Nasobic:=6; BetCounter:=7; DecSound; End; If ((MultiWin>=45) and (MultiWin<55)) then Begin BetMulti:=45; Nasobic:=5; BetCounter:=6; DecSound; End; If ((MultiWin>=35) and (MultiWin<45)) then Begin BetMulti:=35; Nasobic:=4; BetCounter:=5; DecSound; End; If ((MultiWin>=25) and (MultiWin<35)) then Begin BetMulti:=25; Nasobic:=3; BetCounter:=4; DecSound; End; If ((MultiWin>=15) and (MultiWin<25)) then Begin BetMulti:=15; Nasobic:=2; BetCounter:=3; DecSound; End; If ((MultiWin>=5) and (MultiWin<15)) then Begin BetMulti:=5; Nasobic:=1; BetCounter:=2; DecSound; End; If MultiWin<5 then Begin BetMulti:=0; Bet:=2; Nasobic:=0; BetCounter:=0; Lista[1].Enable:=False; Lista[0].Enable:=True; Lista[0].Sazka[0]:=True; Lista[0].Sazka[1]:=False; DecSound; End; End; End; Function TestRollEnable: Boolean; Begin If ((Credit>=Bet) and (MultiWin>=BetMulti)) then TestRollEnable:=True else TestRollEnable:=False; End;