unit pohyb; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface const P=1; L=2; H=3; D=4; type TAIpole=array[1..50,1..100] of longint; procedure AIvypln(y,x:longint;var AIpole:TAIpole;typ:longint); //typ - pre vyssie urovne AI function AIzisti(y,x:longint;AIpole:TAIpole):longint; implementation procedure AIvypln(y,x:longint;var AIpole:TAIpole;typ:longint); var Ri,Rj:longint; begin if (x mod 2)=0 then for Ri:=1 to x do begin if Ri=1 then begin for Rj:=1 to y do begin if Rj=y then AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=D else AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=P; end; end else if Ri=2 then begin for Rj:=1 to y do begin if Rj=1 then AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=H else if Rj=y then AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=D else if (Rj mod 2)=0 then AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=D else AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=L; end; end else if Ri=x then begin for Rj:=1 to y do begin if (Rj mod 2)=0 then AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=L else AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=H; end; end else begin for Rj:=1 to y do begin if (Rj mod 2)=0 then AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=D else AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=H; end; end; end else begin for Ri:=1 to x do for Rj:=1 to y do AIpole[Ri,Rj]:=P; end; end; function AIzisti(y,x:longint;AIpole:TAIpole):longint; begin if AIpole[x,y]=H then AIzisti:=72 else if AIpole[x,y]=L then AIzisti:=75 else if AIpole[x,y]=P then AIzisti:=77 else if AIpole[x,y]=D then AIzisti:=80; end; end.