{ TLAKSPOJ.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Program na vypocet tlakoveho spoja podla definovanych hodnot. } { Uzivatelske prostredie, vypocet s poskytovanim medzivysledkov. } { Vyzaduje TABULKY.PAS. Vypocet podla STK 2 a Strojnickych tabuliek.} { } { Datum:04.08.1992 http://www.trsek.com } program tlakspoj; uses crt,dos,trsek,tabulky; type text1=text; const poz:array[1..2] of integer =(24,60); vzpa:array[1..6] of integer =(6,8,10,14,16,19); dtxt:array[1..11] of string = ('mm','mm','mm','mm','kN','Nm','MPa','MPa','øC','æm','æm'); txt:array[1..2,1..11] of string = (('Dt=','Lt=','Da=','Db=','Fa=','Mk=',' å hriadel=', ' å naboj =','prevadzkova teplota=','Ra hriadel=','Ra naboj ='), ('Zatazenie:','Spoj:','Mazanie:','Montaz:','Posobisko:', 'Material hriadel:','Material naboj :','','','','')); text:array[1..7,1..8] of string = (('pokojne','miznuce','striedave','','','','',''), ('zmrsteny','roztiahnuty','lisovany','','','','',''), ('olejom','nemazane','','','','','',''), ('uvolnovany','sklz','lisovanie','','','','',''), ('obvodove','pozdlzne','','','','','',''), ('ocel','liatina tem.','med','mosadz','bronz','litina Al', 'liatina Mg','siva liatina'), ('ocel','liatina tem.','med','mosadz','bronz','litina Al', 'liatina Mg','siva liatina')); dlz:array[1..2,1..11] of integer = ((6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,5,4,4),(9,11,8,11,8,12,12,10,0,0,0)); var x,y,xp,yp,i,dld,zacp,vzp,Gd,Gm,dl,p,ha:integer; Fp,Mp,Dt,Lt,Da,Db,ni,Ea,Eb,C2a,C2b,Sid,Aab,ptmin,na,nb,H,ks:real; Fa,Mk,Rea,Reb,Raa,Rab,min,max,minc,maxc,pamax,pbmax,v,tab,t,C:real; Sda,Sdb,ptmax:real; czad:array[1..2,1..12] of real; tzad:array[1..2,1..12] of string; dnu,vyp,von,nav,hel,krok:boolean; s:string; Lst : text1; function znak(x,y:integer):char; var regs:registers; begin gotoxy(x,y); with regs do begin bh:=0; ah:=8; intr($10,regs); znak:=chr(al); end; end; procedure tlac; var s:string; d:char; begin assign(lst,'prn'); rewrite(lst); s:=''; for y:=2 to 23 do begin for x:=2 to 78 do begin d:=znak(x,y); s:=s+d; end; writeln(lst,s);s:=''; end; writeln(lst,' Trsek & RiSOft'); close(lst); end; procedure help; begin farba(1,15); gotoxy(33,13);write(' ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅ'); gotoxy(3,14);write(' å - Dovolene napatie hriadela,naboja ÚÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄ¿'); gotoxy(3,15);write(' Ra - Drsnost povrchu hriadela,naboja ³ ³'); gotoxy(3,16);write(' Spoj - Zmrsteny (nahrievame naboj ) ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅ'); gotoxy(3,17);write(' Roztiahnuty (ochladime hriadel) ÄÅÄùÄÄùÄÄùÄÄùÄÄùÄÄÅÄ'); gotoxy(3,18);write(' Lisovany (bez tepelnej upravy) ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´'); gotoxy(3,19);write(' Posobisko - Obvodove (posobi moment Mk) ³ ³'); gotoxy(3,20);write(' Pozdlzne (posobi sila F) ÀÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÁ'); gotoxy(3,21);write(' ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ'); farba(1,12); gotoxy(33,11);write(' ÃÄÄÄÄ Lt ÄÄÄÄ´'); gotoxy(33,12);write(' ³ ³'); gotoxy(62,13);write('ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂ'); gotoxy(64,14);write(' ³'); gotoxy(64,15);write(' ³ ³'); gotoxy(64,16);write('ÄÄÄÄÄÂ ³ ³'); gotoxy(64,17);write(' Db Dt Da'); gotoxy(64,18);write(' ³ ³ ³'); gotoxy(64,19);write(' ³ ³'); gotoxy(64,20);write('ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁ ³'); end; procedure konci; begin farba(0,15); clrscr; farba(1,15); write(' Tlakovy spoj Copyright (c). software by TRSEK & riSOft Corporation. '); end; function tlacidlo:char; var s:char; d:integer; begin tlacidlo:=' '; dnu:=false; vyp:=false; hel:=false; von:=false; krok:=false; s:=readkey; if(s in ['0'..'9']) then begin tlacidlo:=s; dnu:=true; end; if s=#0 then s:=readkey; case ord(s) of 72 : y:=y-1; 75 : x:=x-1; 80 : y:=y+1; 77 : x:=x+1; 13 : dnu:=true; 59 : help; 60 : vyp:=true; 61 : begin vyp:=true;krok:=true;end; 62 : nav:=true; 65 : begin tlac;s:=readkey;end; 68 : begin konci;Kurzorzap(true);halt(1);end; end; if x<1 then x:=2; if x>2 then x:=1; if y<1 then y:=11; if y>11 then y:=1; if (y>7) and (x=2) then y:=1; end; function treada(x,y,d:integer;ch:char):real; var c1:integer; c:real; begin KurzorZap(True); s:=tread(x,y,d,'',ch,ch); KurzorZap(False); repeat val(s,c,c1); if not(c1=0) then begin if length(s)>=c1 then delete(s,c1,1) else s:=''; end; until (c1=0) or (s=''); treada:=c; end; procedure vymen(x,y:integer); begin i:=round(czad[x,y]);i:=i+1; if (i=9) or (text[y,i]='') then begin czad[x,y]:=1;tzad[x,y]:=text[y,1];end else begin czad[x,y]:=i;tzad[x,y]:=text[y,i];end; gotoxy(poz[x],y+1);write(tzad[x,y]); end; procedure twrite(x,y:integer;s:string;d:integer); begin if length(s)d then delete(s,d+1,length(s)-d); gotoxy(poz[x],y+1);write(s); end; procedure disp; begin gotoxy(4,23);write(' F1 - Help F2 - Vypocet F3 - Krok F4 - Navrat F7 - Tlac F10 - Koniec'); end; procedure adisp; begin gotoxy(2,23);write(' '); end; procedure uvod; var a:integer; begin textbackground(9);textcolor(15); kurzorzap(false); window(1,1,80,25);clrscr; for a:=2 to 79 do begin gotoxy(a,1);write(chr(205)); end; for a:=2 to 79 do begin gotoxy(a,24);write(chr(205)); end; for a:=1 to 23 do begin gotoxy(1,a);write(chr(179)); gotoxy(79,a);write(chr(179)); end; gotoxy(1,1);write(chr(213)); gotoxy(79,1);write(chr(184)); gotoxy(1,24);write(chr(212)); gotoxy(79,24);write(chr(190)); gotoxy(1,22);write(chr(195)); for a:=2 to 78 do write(chr(196)); gotoxy(79,22);write(chr(180)); disp; gotoxy(63,25);write('Trsek & RiSOft'); end; procedure obraz; var ch:char; begin uvod; farba(1,15); for i:=1 to 20 do begin gotoxy(2,1+i);write(' '); end; gotoxy(13,25);write(' Tlakovy spoj - vypocet podla CSN 01 4216-65 '); for y:=1 to 11 do begin gotoxy(poz[1]-length(txt[1,y])-1,y+1);write(txt[1,y]);twrite(1,y,tzad[1,y],dlz[1,y]); gotoxy(poz[1]+dlz[1,y]+1,y+1);write(dtxt[y]); end; for y:=1 to 7 do begin gotoxy(poz[2]-length(txt[2,y])-1,y+1);write(txt[2,y],' ',tzad[2,y]); end; x:=1;y:=1;xp:=1;yp:=1; farba(13,15); twrite(x,y,tzad[x,y],dlz[x,y]); repeat ch:=tlacidlo; if (dnu=true) and (x=1) then begin czad[x,y]:=treada(poz[x],y+1,dlz[x,y],ch); if y in [10,11] then str(czad[x,y]:6:5,tzad[x,y]) else str(czad[x,y]:6:2,tzad[x,y]); end; if (dnu=true) and (x=2) then vymen(x,y); farba(9,15); twrite(xp,yp,tzad[xp,yp],dlz[xp,yp]); farba(13,15); twrite(x,y,tzad[x,y],dlz[x,y]); xp:=x;yp:=y; until vyp ; end; procedure zaver; begin gotoxy(2,2);write(' *min= æa= C2a= '); gotoxy(2,3);write(' *max= æb= C2b= '); gotoxy(2,4);write(' ks= Ea= åda= '); gotoxy(2,5);write(' Mp=ksùMk= Eb= ådb= '); gotoxy(2,6);write(' Fp=ksùk2= ç= àab= '); gotoxy(2,7);write(' 1 Ú (Da/Dt)ý+1 ¿ 1 Ú (Dt/Db)ý+1 ¿ '); gotoxy(2,8);write(' C= ÄÄùÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ+æa³+ÄÄùÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ -æb³= '); gotoxy(2,9);write(' Ea À (Da/Dt)ý-1 Ù EbÀ (Dt/Db)ý-1 Ù '); gotoxy(2,10);write(' pt`min=Fp/ãùDtùLtùç= '); gotoxy(2,11);write(' pt`min=2ùMp/ãùDtýùLtùç= '); gotoxy(2,12);write(' H=4ù(Raa+Rab)= '); gotoxy(2,13);write(' *`min=pt`minùDtùC+H= '); gotoxy(2,14);write(' pa max=C2aùåda= '); gotoxy(2,15);write(' pb max=C2bùådb= '); gotoxy(2,16);write(' pt`max=MIN {pa max,pb max}= '); gotoxy(2,17);write(' *`max=pt`maxùDtùC+H= '); gotoxy(2,18);write(' '); gotoxy(2,19);write(' '); gotoxy(2,20);write(' Zmrsteny spoj: '); gotoxy(2,21);write(' tab=t+(*max+v)/àabùDt= '); end; procedure Db_je_nula; begin gotoxy(2,7);write(' 1 Ú (Da/Dt)ý+1 ¿ 1 Ú ¿ '); gotoxy(2,8);write(' C= ÄÄùÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ+æa³ + ÄÄÄ ù ³ 1 -æb ³= '); gotoxy(2,9);write(' Ea À (Da/Dt)ý-1 Ù Eb À Ù '); end; procedure pwrite(h:real;ret:string); begin zacp:=zacp+1; gotoxy(32,zacp);write(h:5:2,' ',ret); end; function vyhovuje(x,y:real;ret:string;c:real):boolean; begin vzp:=vzp+1; if c=2 then begin gotoxy(54,vzpa[vzp]); if x'); gotoxy(45,vzpa[vzp]+1);write(x:5:2,' ',ret); gotoxy(54,vzpa[vzp]+1);write('> ',y:5:2,' ',ret); gotoxy(66,vzpa[vzp]+1);write(' Nevyhovuje '); vyhovuje:=false; end; if krok then begin repeat tlacidlo; until krok or nav; end; end; end; function zovretie(tl,maz,up,zat:integer):real; begin if tl=2 then tl:=1; if tl=3 then tl:=2; if tl=1 then if maz=2 then begin if up=1 then zovretie:=0.35; if up=2 then zovretie:=0.15; if up=3 then zovretie:=0.055; end else begin if up=1 then if zat=1 then zovretie:=0.13 else zovretie:=0.14; if up=2 then if zat=1 then zovretie:=0.08 else zovretie:=0.055; if up=3 then zovretie:=0.055; end; if tl=2 then begin if up=1 then zovretie:=0.09; if up=2 then zovretie:=0.05; if up=3 then zovretie:=0.055; end; end; function modul(mat:integer):real; begin modul:=tab19[1,mat]; end; function poiscislo(mat:integer):real; begin poiscislo:=tab19[2,mat]; end; function Sd(kov:integer;Re:real):real; begin if kov in [1,2,3,4] then Sd:=Re*0.2 else Sd:=Re*0.5; end; function roztaznost(ts,mata,matb:real):real; begin if ts=1 then roztaznost:=tab19[3,round(matb)] else roztaznost:=tab19[4,round(mata)]; end; procedure priemer(d:real); begin while d>500 do d:=d/10; for i:=1 to 13 do if d>=rozmery[i] then p:=i+1; end; function zvol_h(min,max:real;p,zvolene:integer):integer; begin for ha:=zvolene to 5 do begin if ulozeniah[ha,p]+min= min then if ulozenia[i,p*2-1]<=max then begin zvol_ulozenie:=i;exit;end; end; end; begin clrscr; writeln('Tlakoveho spoja hriadel-naboj, R.Kriz a spol. STK I Sofrware Trsek & RiSOft'); delay(900); uvod; nav:=false; for y:=1 to 11 do begin tzad[1,y]:=''; czad[1,y]:=0; end; for y:=1 to 11 do begin if(y < 8) then tzad[2,y]:=text[y,1]; czad[2,y]:=1; end; obraz; repeat {$F-} farba(1,15); Zaver; Dt:=czad[1,1];Lt:=czad[1,2];Da:=czad[1,3];Db:=czad[1,4]; Fa:=czad[1,5]*1000;Mk:=czad[1,6];Sdb:=czad[1,7];Sda:=czad[1,8]; t:=czad[1,9];Raa:=czad[1,10];Rab:=czad[1,11]; case round(czad[2,1]) of 1: ks:=1.5; 2: ks:=1.8; 3: ks:=2.2; end; gotoxy(12,4);write(ks:2:1); ni:=zovretie(round(czad[2,2]),round(czad[2,3]),round(czad[2,4]) ,round(czad[2,5])); gotoxy(33,6);write(ni:3:3); if Fa>0 then begin Fp:=ks*Fa;ptmin:=Fp/(3.1415*Dt*Lt*ni); gotoxy(12,6);write(Fp/1000:6:2,' kN'); gotoxy(33,10);write(ptmin:6:2,' MPa'); v:=0.01*sqrt(Dt); gotoxy(2,5);write(' v=',v:3:2,' mm'); gotoxy(2,11);write(' '); end else begin Mp:=ks*Mk;ptmin:=2*Mp*1000/(3.1415*Dt*Dt*Lt*ni); gotoxy(12,5);write(Mp:6:2,' Nm'); gotoxy(33,11);write(ptmin:6:2,' MPa'); v:=0.01*sqrt(Dt); gotoxy(2,6);write(' v=',v:3:2,' mm'); gotoxy(2,10);write(' '); end; Ea:=modul(round(czad[2,7])); gotoxy(33,4);write(Ea:5:0,' MPa'); Eb:=modul(round(czad[2,6])); gotoxy(33,5);write(Eb:5:0,' MPa'); na:=poiscislo(round(czad[2,6])); gotoxy(33,2);write(na:3:2); nb:=poiscislo(round(czad[2,7])); gotoxy(33,3);write(nb:3:2); if Db=0 then begin C:=(((((Da*Da)/(Dt*Dt))+1)/(((Da*Da)/(Dt*Dt))-1))+na)/Ea+ (1-nb)/Eb; Db_je_nula; end else C:=(((((Da*Da)/(Dt*Dt))+1)/(((Da*Da)/(Dt*Dt))-1))+na)/Ea+ (((((Dt*Dt)/(Db*Db))+1)/(((Dt*Dt)/(Db*Db))-1))-nb)/Eb; gotoxy(57,8);write(C:8:8,'/MPa'); H:=4*(Raa+Rab); gotoxy(33,12);write(H:4:1,' æm'); minc:=int(ptmin*Dt*C*1000+H); gotoxy(33,13);write(minc:4:1,' æm'); obr107(da,db,dt,c2a,c2b); gotoxy(58,2);write(c2a:2:2); gotoxy(58,3);write(c2b:2:2); gotoxy(58,4);write(Sda:6:2,' MPa'); gotoxy(58,5);write(Sdb:6:2,' MPa'); pamax:=C2a*Sda; gotoxy(33,14);write(pamax:6:2,' MPa'); pbmax:=C2b*Sdb; gotoxy(33,15);write(pbmax:6:2,' MPa'); if pamax14 then i:=14; i:=zvol_ulozenie(minc,maxc,p,i); max:=ulozenia[i,p*2-1]; min:=ulozenia[i,p*2]; if not((i<15) and (i>0)) then begin ha:=ha+1; ha:=zvol_h(minc,maxc,p,ha); max:=maxc; min:=minc+ulozeniah[ha,p]; end; gotoxy(12,2);write(min:3:0,' æm'); gotoxy(12,3);write(max:3:0,' æm'); if czad[2,2]=1 then begin tab:=t+((max/1000+v)/(Aab*1E-6*Dt)); gotoxy(3,20);write('Zmrsteny '); end else begin tab:=t+((max/1000+v)/(Aab*1E-6*Dt)); gotoxy(2,20);write('Roztiahnuty'); end; gotoxy(34,21);write(tab:4:1,' øC'); adisp; gotoxy(15,23); if ptmin>ptmax then write(' POZOR ! pt`min je vascie ako pt`max -zvol lepsi material') else begin if (i<15) and (i>0) then write('Volim ulozenie í',Dt:6:1,' ',naz_ulozenia[i]) else if (ha<6) and (ha>0) then write('Volim ulozenie í',Dt:6:1,' H',ha+4,' +',min:3:0,'+',max:3:0,'æm') else write('Nemam dalej hodnoty potrebne pre vypocet'); if not(czad[2,2]=3) then write(' teplota ohrevu je: ',tab:4:1); end; gotoxy(79,23);write(chr(179)); tlacidlo; until not(krok); if nav then begin adisp;disp;obraz;nav:=false;end; until von; konci; KurzorZap(true); end.