Routine for communicate via IPX protocol
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: System
Program: Ipx.pas
File exe: Sendmess.exe, Recmess.exe
need: Net_serv.pas, Recmess.pas, Sendmess.pas
Program: Ipx.pas
File exe: Sendmess.exe, Recmess.exe
need: Net_serv.pas, Recmess.pas, Sendmess.pas
Routine for communicate via IPX protocol. Send or receive data. IPX and SPX are derived from Xerox Network Systems' IDP and SPP protocols, respectively. IPX is a network layer protocol (layer 3 of the OSI Model), while SPX is a transport layer protocol (layer 4 of the OSI Model). The SPX layer sits on top of the IPX layer and provides connection-oriented services between two nodes on the network. SPX is used primarily by clientserver applications. More information on
{ SENDMESS.PAS } { Rutiny sluziace ku komunikacii IPX protokolom. } { } { Datum:20.02.2016 } uses ipx,net_serv,dos,crt; const socket=$4000; type tipx=record head:tipxhead; data:array[1..538]of byte; end; var ipxsend:tipx; ecbsend:tecb; r:registers; endofsending:boolean; function getstring(prompt:string):string; var tmpstr:string; begin write(prompt,' '); readln(tmpstr); getstring:=tmpstr; end; function waitsendpacket(infinity:word):boolean; var ckl:word; begin ckl:=0; if infinity < 1 then while ecbsend.inuse <> 0 do begin end else repeat ckl:=ckl+1; delay(1000); until (ckl=infinity) or (ecbsend.inuse=0); waitsendpacket:=ecbsend.inuse = 0; end; procedure nulcontrlstruct; begin fillchar(ipxsend,sizeof(ipxsend),0); fillchar(ecbsend,sizeof(ecbsend),0); fillchar(ipxsend.head.checksum,sizeof(ipxsend.head.checksum),0); ipxsend.head.transctrl:=0; ipxsend.head.packettyp:=16; ipxsend.head.destnetw:=unknown; ipxsend.head.destnode:=all; word(ipxsend.head.destsckt):=socket; end; procedure subsendpacket(msg:string); var len:word; begin nulcontrlstruct; move(ptr(seg(msg),ofs(msg)+1)^,,ord(msg[0])); len:=lenheadpacket+length(msg); ecbsend.esr:=nil; word(ecbsend.socketno):=socket; ecbsend.locnoad:=all; ecbsend.fragcnt[1]:=1; ecbsend.fragcnt[2]:=0; ecbsend.fragaddr:=@(ipxsend); ecbsend.fragsize:=len; opensocket(socket); sendpacket(ecbsend); if waitsendpacket(0) then writeln('Zprava odeslana ...') else writeln('Zpravu se nepodarilo odeslat !'); closesocket(socket); end; procedure _sendpacket; var msg:string; begin msg:=getstring('Piste zpravu (ENTER = konec): '); if msg <> '' then begin if length(msg) < 255 - (length(username)+1) then msg:=msg+':'+username; subsendpacket(msg); end else endofsending:=true; end; begin {main} if neterror <> 0 then exittodos('Rozhrani IPX neni dostupne !',1); endofsending:=false; repeat _sendpacket; until endofsending; end.