Homework in Pascal

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You find some needs, send me homework during mail. If it's easy try generator of homework.

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Author: Juraj Pupák
Program: Subor_tr.pas
File exe: Subor_tr.exe
need: Num_tria.txt

Program read from file Num_Tria.txt length of triangle. Determine possible of triangle and result write to file Num_1.txt.

Program: Sucet.pas
File exe: Sucet.exe

Makes the addition of two numbers.

Author: Pheo
web: pascalsource.ic.cz

Program: Sucet2.pas
File exe: Sucet2.exe

Program spočíta párne čísla vo zvolenom intervale.

Program: Sucet_postupnosti.pas

Na vstupe sú číslice ukončené číslicou 0. Načítajte tieto číslice a vypočítajte ich súčet. Počet číslic bude menší ako 100.

Program: Sucin.pas
File exe: Sucin.exe

Displays the result of the multiplication of numbers.

Program: Suckrat.pas
File exe: Suckrat.exe
flow: Suckrat.gif

Calculates the sum of the sum and product of N numbers A,B,C. Results print as table.

Author: Pavel Paták
web: www.webpark.cz/programar

Program: Sudalicha.pas
File exe: Sudalicha.exe

Rozhodne, zda je zadané číslo sudé nebo liché.

Program: Suma.pas
File exe: Suma.exe

Calculates the sum of the multipication results a[i]*b[n+1-i], where n stands for the number of arithmetical values.

Program: Superpum.pas
File exe: Superpum.exe

Link files to one file.

Author: Juraj Pupák
Program: Sustava.pas
File exe: Sustava.exe

Convert decimal number to binary number and convert binary number to decimal number.

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